Our Writing lessons this week focused on writing and drawing stories that have lots of details. We practiced proper capitalization, then reread our stories to add more.
During Phonics this week, we reviewed the /j/ and /k/ sounds and practiced the power words no, go, so, and like. We read a story called Kim's Dog Jack and wrote about it. We also worked on reviewing power words, medial sounds, and digraphs. A new hard skill we have been practicing is when to use c, when to use k and when to use ck. See if your child can remember the rules. When I learned this rule, my brain exploded!
We started working on writing, counting, and composing teen numbers during Math. Ask your child to write teen numbers for you!
We started a new Science unit titled "Make It Go". In the coming weeks, we will learn about the role of an engineer, compare and contrast natural vs. manmade items, learn about a push and a pull, and build our own galimotos!
In this week’s Second Steps lesson, we showed what we've learned about kindness and the power of kind acts to help people feel good. We drew ourselves doing a kind act for someone at school. Ask your child to show or tell you about their drawing of doing a kind act for someone at school. Encourage them to draw a picture of themselves doing a kind act at home too.
Looking ahead...
No School- Professional Development- 1/17
No School in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr- 1/20
STEAM Day 1/29
Field Trip to Florissant Civic Center to see The Ugly Duckling 2/3 (more info coming soon)
Reading Response Journals- sharing your favorite part of Going Places and wonderings you had
More centers