Friday, August 30, 2024

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Welcome to our Classroom!


Your kindergartener has worked very hard this week, and what a busy week it has been!  We have begun to talk about the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes, beginning sounds in words, and the sounds in our names and we are learning more and more about each other.  Please support your child at home by asking him/her what the beginning sounds in different words are.  You can do this by asking, “What letter and sound is at the beginning of -------------?”.  Please keep practicing at home and in the car!

During Phonics this week, we worked on writing our names, identifying uppercase and lowercase letters, tracking print from left to right, and identifying and counting letters and words in sentences.  We learned a bit about vowels and also worked on rhyming, isolating the beginning sound in words, blending and segmenting words, and letter sounds (we will work on these every week). 

We started our new reading and writing programs by Collaborative Classroom! Some of the things we did in our reading lessons this week include listening to and discussing stories to build comprehension and build alphabetic knowledge, reading and discussing our names to build name recognition, learning the concept of rhyme and identifying rhyming words to build phonological awareness, learning the difference between fiction and nonfiction texts, building stamina for independent reading, and develop independent work habits while reading.  We read the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and practiced rereading, as good readers do! 

In Writing, we learned that good writers generate ideas about things they can draw and write about.  We then drew pictures and labeled them with beginning sounds. We practiced sharing our discussing our stories/pictures with each other.

Our Math in Focus lessons are currently focusing on building numbers through 5 and recognizing similarities and differences between objects. We compared and contrasted different objects and students in our classroom to find matching objects or features that created pairs and objects that differed.  We practiced writing numbers 1-4.  In the coming weeks, we will start to really dive into our Math curriculum.

We had our first Interactive Writing lesson! Interactive Writing is a time in which the children and I share the writing responsibility and learn about letter/sound relationships, capital and lowercase letters, letter formation, and composing a sentence using correct titlecase and punctuation.  We also practice sight words during this time.  Our lesson this week focused on reading and writing the sight words  "I" and "am".  Encourage your child to write for you at home the following sentence:  I am _________.  

In this week's lesson, we learned two important reasons for paying attention- to learn and stay safe. Ask your child why they think it is important to pay attention during different activities, like when listening to instructions, crossing the street or helping with a task. 

Please check and empty your child’s folder each night and return your child’s folder daily
Please send a snack with your child everyday 
Don’t forget to send in a framed 4x6 or 5x7 picture of your family- candid photos work!
No School 9/2
Don't forget to get your volunteer paperwork completed if you would like to help us in our classroom or attend our field trip (more info to come)

Have a great weekend!

Studying our names- introducing our names and what letter they start with

Playground fun before it gets too hot

Being introduced to the ipads

Choice time fun


Practicing how to have independent reading


More Choice Time 

Reading- building our reading classroom community
Interactive Writing- learning "am"

Guided Math

and Moooooore choice time

Phonics- noticing the difference between a letter, word and sentence

Each week 3 kiddos will get to share their writing pieces with the group

Acting out I'm a Little Teapot

More math