Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kindergarten, here we come!

Hi there, 

My name is Mrs. Silvey and I am a Kindergarten teacher at Reed Elementary! I know there is a lot of chaos happening around us, but I promise to still make it a magical Kindergarten year!                               .               


We will be working on a lot of fun activities this year while learning our numbers and how to read and write. We will be making lots of new friends and learning how to be good citizens! 

I know that school will still have to look a little different this year, but do not be scared. We will get to know what our days will be like and explore the classroom. We have a puppet theater, a reading corner, building blocks, legos, cars, art supplies, a kitchen area, baby dolls a doll house and much more for you to dig into. 

I can't wait to meet all of you! Enjoy the rest of your Summer!


Mrs. Silvey