Friday, May 17, 2024

Farm Week


We have had a very busy week! 
Our days are getting crazy with all of the last minute happenings around the school- assemblies, performances, visits etc. The change in schedule and angst about the year ending can be hard for these kiddos, so we are trying our best to keep things as consistent as possible 
and give grace. :)

Here are some of the very important things we worked on this week...

Our theme this week focused on finding comparisons and differences between farm life and city life.  We learned about many animals (and what they give us), including the life cycle of a chicken, and completed activities that taught us more about the farm. 

We have finished up many of our final units and therefore doing more Guided Math, Shared Reading and independent practice. 

We interactively wrote about what some of our favorite animals say. In doing so, we practiced the power words said, what and say. 

In Science, we used thermometers to measure temperature. We observed how the temperature may change when indoors vs outdoors and then looked to see if the temperature changed when we put the thermometer in cold water. 

We finished our Second Steps lessons but we had a class meeting this week about Ability Awareness. We learned that it isn't a disability, it is a different ability. 

We had Chair Yoga to work on getting our bodies calm, despite the craziness this time of year brings. 

We celebrated the Reed Seniors graduating and doing a final walk through the halls. Though this doesn't feel extremely relevant to our kiddos, it was still fun to celebrate with them. 

We have been enjoying the countdown to Summer! More fun to come next week!


Interactive Writing

Guided Math


Chair Yoga

Mystery Reader this week was Jack's Daddy!


Outside fun!

More centers

Enjoying the nice weather days!